Creating a detail elevation for the shopfront elements is a time-consuming task in view of the fact that you need to place the elevation mark for each shopfront and also to identify each type in the project. As the curtain wall is a system family and instance type, which means that each curtain has different length of the wall, it is unable to create a type-based family in Revit.

What is the solution or workaround?
Using Assembly would be a great solution to create the shopfront packages without much effort. Assembly tool allows to create plans, elevation, sections and details automatically. Moreover, it will create a group-like type family, which you can easily manage. There is further information on the assemble here, so check it out. Note that Wall and Curtain Wall Grids cannot be included in Assembly, so curtain panels and mullions will be assigned to Assembly.

However, it could be a bit tricky to manage during the design phase, so it is recommended to create it in the construction phase. Find out the limitation of Assembly here.
Manual Setup
It is a typical workflow for many practices to create the detail elevations. This workflow requires lots of time and effort and difficult to manage them throughout the design process. Therefore, automating this process will be critical to manage the timeframe for the project.
View Template set-up – show the curtain walls only (including associated elements such as Curtain Panels, Mullions, etc)
Use SheetGen from Diroots/Dynamo to set up the sheets
Filter the elevation and section markers in other View Templates
Dynamo supported QA process to check the types and new ones

To Sum Up
Although there is no perfect way of achieving this, the method mentioned above is still practical to implement to the live project. Understanding the Assembly is key for the users due to the limitation and specific behaviour. Review the skill sets in your team and decide the best practice for your team.