Sometimes, you may come across that levels or grids cannot be found in elevation or section although they can be seen in other views. Why is that? It is due to the fact that your view plane is not intersected by the datum, which means that your view is not within the datum extend. The funny thing is that it is not visible. Then, how to fix this issue when you cannot find any levels and grids in all views? There is a tip that you can actually make it controllable.
What are the datum elements?

Before getting into the solution, it is good to know what the datum elements are in Revit. Basically, they are levels and grids. You can find these elements in the architecture tap.
Use 'scope box' to obtain control over the extent of the datum elements.

Scope box is a great tool to constraint the extend of views, and it can be assigned to levels and grids. Once, it is assigned to the datum elements, they will be displayed in the views as long as the view marks are within the box. Moreover, the scope box can be easily found in 3D view, you will have better control than the elements themselves.
How to create a scope box

1. Go to view tap and select the scope box to create a boundary. It is good to be in the floor plan view rather than 3D or other views. Before creating it, make sure the scope box visibility is turned on and you are on the right Workset.

2. Draw the boundary where you want to constraint the area. It is 2 points drag-draw. You can only draw a rectangular and cannot adjust it accurately. I hope Autodesk will update the feature that it can be snapped to the lines or objects.

3. Once, it is created, you can adjust the boundary. Make sure it covers all sites and add additional area vertically and horizontally. If the elevation or section mark is not within the boundary, the grids and levels will not be shown in the view.
How to assign the scope box to the datum elements

1. Once, it is created, you can name it properly. Name it to Shared Levels and Grids so that we know which one we need to choose. In general, there will be lots of scope boxes in the project and you would not know which one you need to choose if the naming convention doesn’t make sense. Therefore, it is essential to name the scope box properly. Otherwise, it will be such chaos.

2. Select the grids or levels, and go to properties, then you can see the Scope Box parameter. If you click on the value, it will list the existing parameters.

3. Go to the Scope box, and choose the one called shared levels and grids. It will be the same process for all the datum elements. Once they are assigned to the scope box, the extent will be limited to the scope box boundary. It is important to note that when you change the boundary of the scope box, grids and levels will be followed as well, which means that if you amend the scope box extent, it will ruin your documentation as grids might be manually adjusted. It is critical to set up from the beginning to prevent any further issues.

How to find the lost elements
Let's use this concept to find the missing datum elements.
Go to any view and create a new level as a temporary reference.
Select the level and Right-Click.
Go to Select All Instances - In Entire Project.
Once, you find all the levels, go to the properties.
Find the Scope box and select the one already set up previously.
Now, check the views whether you can see them.
Once it is done, delete the temporary level as no longer in use.
To Sum Up
By and large, the scope boxes are set up from the beginning before anyone jumps in the project. Therefore, you wouldn't encounter this kind of issue, but if you don't have a person to set up the project properly or start from a default template, then you may do. Therefore, it is important to get all those set up in your template so that you can just adjust the scope box in relation to the location in the model. Quadmeta's essential template already offers this so that you will never be stressed by this issue. If you are interested, please click the link below to find out more.