Revit 2022 was out a few months ago and has many new features introduced. I would like to talk about the updates that are quite useful. It has been a few improvements in Revit from the past years, but I quite like these new updates as some of them are already used widely from other add-ins.
Wall enhancements
This is one of the long-awaited features that we have been screaming for. As it was impossible to create a slanted/tapered wall, many users used an in-place model or mass. However, it is now the built-in feature. I am not sure how useful it will be, but it seems promising.

Moreover, the profile of the slanted wall can be modified. It is not a desirable function, but sometimes it is needed due to the lack of modelling function in Revit. See how we can do with the slanted wall.

There is another significant update that will change the way of modelling. We now can turn off the non-core layers in the visibility/graphics. In the past, the structural walls and finishes were modelled separately due to the complexity of the documentation. For instance, when you add finishes to the structural wall, then it will be shown in the concrete plan, but this feature will allow us to model in that way. In my opinion, it will be introduced on Floor as well so that we can maintain the same modelling strategy.
Duplicate sheets
Duplicating sheets is a nightmare in Revit, that's why we have been using third-party plug-ins such as Ideate or DiRoots to duplicate the sheets. Now, the feature is integrated with Revit, we can do the task without the external plug-ins which will allow us to save some money. The feature is pretty straightforward.
Shared parameters in the key schedule

This feature is the one that I have been waiting for to tag the information in the key schedule. There is another feature that is missing at the moment is the key schedule for multi-category. Once it is introduced, the key schedule will be the main feature to manage the database in Revit.
Link Rhino3d

This feature will compete with Rhino inside Revit. I have not tested both functions yet, but it would be amazing if it can keep the file size reasonable. Otherwise, it will be useless functions that will keep the traditional workflow.
PDF Export

This is another feature that relies on third-party plug-ins such as RTV exporter. Not only does this feature do the batch pdf exporting, but it can also set up the naming convention like RTV by using the parameters. However, it still lacks in DWG export function.
Rotated Tags

It is a good-to-have feature for documentation. It was only able to rotate horizontally or vertically, so it was a bit funny to tag diagonal elements. Now we can produce better-looking drawings. However, it can be easily disregarded due to the time frame.
Split Schedules across sheets

This feature is related to the large quantity schedules such as door schedules or room schedules which have lots of information in the project. In the traditional way, we needed to filter the elements to split into several sheets and always caused some issues when additional elements were added in. However, this feature will automatically split the schedule across the sheets although it is getting larger or smaller. There are still missing functions like highlighting certain rows or columns globally, not limited to a certain parameter. It would be nice if the schedule works like excel.
Multi-Category Tag Enhancements
It might not be a most-wanted update for everyone, but it might be useful if you are using the multi-category tag. Now, you are able to use the multi-category tag in the all tagged option.
Preserve Callout Views
This is very welcomed as I actually ask people not to use the callout view due to its limitation. As there are different team members with different Revit skills, there would be always a potential risk to lose the view that has already been completed. Therefore, I have been encouraging people to use the normal elevation or section view for the callout and link to it. However, this update will now allow using this function properly without losing any details and annotations.
Tags Re-host to Links
Revit is getting smarter. In the past, when the linked model was unloaded, the tags were lost or needed to be re-hosted. Tags now can remember the element ID from the linked model. This will allow us to maintain good documentation unless we delete the host elements.
View Filter Enhancements

Yay, we can select multiple filters at one time in the visibility dialogue. It was only able to select one filter only in the dialogue, but now it has been amended. It has been always a time-consuming task to work on the filter due to the limitation. Moreover, we can now re-size the dialogue, which should've happened in the first version of Revit.
Added Workset Parameter in Schedules

I like this feature as now I can manage the Workset quite well. I have been managing the Workset in 3D view, manually checking the elements whether they are on the right Workset. But now I can work on the schedule which makes managing the Workset easier and easier to use the filter as it is included.