It is often confusing which category should be used when you create families, for instance, you don't know which category the family should be and you may think of a generic model by default. However, you will later realise that your family should not be cut which means that the inside of the object shouldn't be shown. It is a bit confusing explanation, so let's have a look at the examples that I have prepared.
I have created an object with a random shape of the void, but one is a generic model and another is furniture to see the difference. As you can see, there are two sections that cut the objects, but one shows its anatomy, whereas another is showing the external surface of the object.

As you can see, there are two sections that cut the objects, but one shows its anatomy, whereas another is showing the external surface of the object.

There are so-called Non-Cuttable families in Revit. Those are specifically designed for the object that should not show the cut. For example, when you cut the objects like a toilet pan or other complex equipment, you don't want to show the entire anatomy of it, and if you want to show it, it has to be correct, which means that you need to model cleanly and precisely. However, it is still not recommended as it is not necessary. It will make your drawings look dirty and messy. Imagine you are showing the section of the condenser or generator. So which category is uncuttable? they are mainly the MEP related categories listed below:
Detail Items
Electrical Equipment
Electrical Fixture
Furniture System
Lighting Fixtures
Mechanical Equipment
Plumbing Fixtures
Specialty Equipment