Scope box is a 3d transparent object that controls the view extent. It can easily be adjusted after creating it, so make sure it is pinned in order to prevent unwanted modification. Note that scope boxes shouldn't get printed in construction documentation. You can hide the scope box in the print setting by checking the Hide Scope Boxes.

Scope box cannot be drawn precisely
Make sure X-Y-Z is correct
Scope box is drawn as a box only
Appropriate Naming Convention
It should be managed by BIM manager only
Use for the repetitive view extent only.
5 Useful tips for scope box
Working with the sheet
It is recommended that it should be worked with a sheet to make sure that there is breathing space and including the overlapping zone.
Associate the levels and grids with the scope box
To control the extent of levels and grids, the levels and grids should be associated with the scope box, which should cover the site.

Scope box for Grids and Levels should cover all elevation and section marks
If the marks are placed outside of the scope box, the grids and levels won’t be shown.

Don’t abuse using it
Many scope boxes can be difficult to manage (you cannot select all the instances in the project unless you use the third-party plug-ins). You don’t need a scope box for a single view. Make sure the scope box should be created when they are used many times in multiple views.

Only turn on the scope box when working
In order to avoid any mistakes from the team members, they should be turned off all the time unless you need to add/modify them. I would recommend using a temporary view when working on them since it wouldn't impact the primary view settings.

How to create a scope box?
Scope boxes can be created in plan views only. Once it is created, it can be re-sized and re-located in all view types: Plan, elevation, section, and 3d view.

Activate one of the plan views
Go to View Tab > Create panel > Scope box
Draw the boundary of the scope box by clicking in the upper left-hand corner to the lower right-hand corner.
The scope box is created, so now you can name it in a logical way.
After creating the scope box, you need to apply the scope box to the desired views.
Note: To assign the scope box to view/views, you don’t need to select the scope box in plan views, elevation, section or 3D views. You can find a list of scope boxes already created so just select one of them to assign to the view/views.
To sum up
Setting up scope boxes is one of the most important tasks for the project. Managed and organised scopes make the documentation easy, but make sure it is managed by your project BIM manager.